Andrew Hammel has a suspicion that the German media are keen to find fault with what they believe to be the US justice system, while overlooking comparable shortcomings of the German justice system. Goodness gracious – is he allowed to publish that kind of thing?
Bleg: German News Coverage of Failures of German Justice
Andrew is looking for evidence in the German-language press:
So what I am looking for is articles in the German-language press by Germans which deal with potential justice problems in courts in German-speaking countries including:
(1) wrongful convictions;
(2) racial, ethnic, or religious disparities in conviction rates or sentencing;
(3) allegations of racial or ethnic or religious bias among German prosecutors and professional or lay judges;
(4) interviews with prisoners currently serving prison sentences in Germany who claim that they are completely innocent of the crimes of which they were convicted; and/or
(5) detailed examinations of systemic problems in German criminal justice or prisons, things such as underfunding, outdated regulations, disproportionate penalties, or the use of unreliable evidence.